Mandarin Postal consignment registry system

Client Indotek Group
Year 2020 -
Period of time 3+ years
Services Custom development from scratch , Legacy project transfer ,
Technologies Ext.js , Symphony ,

About the project


Indotek Group, a leading actor of the Hungarian real estate market for more than two decades entrusted the refactoring, support and development of their postal consignment registry system to Evista.

Indotek Group consist of 50+ companies and they share a common postal consignment registry system – Mandarin – what is also available as a service for business outside of the group.


We took over Mandarin system after our client decided to end the cooperation with the original development company they have started the development with. With no developer documentation available we started with a technical analysis where we identified the major information structure and applied technologies.

We were entitled to provide full support to maintain its operability of the system while executing development request to add new functionalities that respond to the emerging requirements.


For back-end we use Symphony php framework and Ext.js for front-end.

To ensure the smooth operation and easy integration of fixes and new functionalities We introduced autodeploy processes and dockerized the project.

For a complete control and transparency of developments we introduced Git version tracking.

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